Saturday, January 28, 2012

Yorktown and Doctor Who

Thursday- Thursday was a great day. Not only was it a half day, but it was the last day of school until TUESDAY! My classes were fine. I enjoyed history, and sort of liked Math. When I got home I just relaxed.
Friday- Friday was a very lazy day. I woke up really late, and spent most of the day on Minecraft and watching Dr. Who. It was warm out, so I went outside for a while. I was up late watching more Dr. Who.
Saturday- Today was a fun day. I woke up at around ten to do some cleaning for mom. I tried to get back to sleep, but I could not. So I got up. About ten minutes after I got up, Darcy came and picked me up. We had a great day together in Yorktown, visiting Museums and shops. I loved the Yorktown Shoppe. It had so much cool stuff. When I got home Mom ordered pizza, and we all are having a relaxed night.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Minecraft and Pull-ups

Thursday- Today was OK. In Keyboarding, I finally finished my Career project. I will be the first one to present on Monday. I am kind of nervous. After school, I decided to give Minecraft a shot. My brothers semmed to enjoy it, so I thought it would be fun. It was. I am now addicted.
Friday- Nothing exciting happened in School today, but in he afternoon I got to go to Darcy's. I was trying to get my arm muscles up (since they were noodles) and she offered to help me. We trained for a bit, then gave up and just played around. She lent me her pull up bar, so I could practice. She is a good friend.
Saturday- Today was quite lazy. I spent most of it on Minecraft and practicing pull ups. Mom got us Taco Bell, which tasted wonderful. It has been raining on and off.
I can't wait for church tomorrow.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Friday the 13th

I always loved when this day came along. I would try to see just how unlucky I was. Well, this year, Friday the 13th lived up to it's expectations. In other words, not a very good day.
It started when I woke up at 8:00. I had missed the bus. Keli, thankfully, was there to give Mark and me a ride. In first block, I had History. I had to to a retest on the History test I took. Of course, I missed one of the questions. My second block was fine, but I had a horrible lunch. I had won the lunch competition, but when I went to the room I needed to go to get my prize had no teacher in it. I did not get the prize. Third Block and Fourth was fine, except for when a friend of mine came up to me in Fourth and said, " I can't believe YOU won the prize!" Wow, that sure is nice.
Overall, not the best day. Can't wait to start fresh tomorrow.