Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Weekend Update (11/9-12)

So I have decided to bunch all my weekends up into one post, and since we had Monday off, I decided to throw that day in too.

Saturday- Saturday was not very eventful. However, I DID get a lot of raking done. It may seem weird, but I really like raking. That is why I cannot wait until this Saturday for raking Seaford.

Sunday- Sunday was a MUCH more eventful day. I don't know if mom went to church or not, but I overslept, sadly. Once everyone was up, we decided to get lunch at Chili's. After having Chili's, we went back home and planned the rest of the day. We decided to go see Wreck-it-Ralph. I raked a bit, then we left. Wreck-it-Ralph was great! Such an amazing movie. I recommend seeing it. After the movie, we went by Walmart to pick up my grandmother's gift to me. It was a touch lamp! You just touch it and it turns on, with three different settings! My grandma has one that I loved in Hawaii. Now it is like having a piece of Hawaii (and my grandparents) with me. Momma also brought her and me matching Cookie (NOT VEGGIE) Monster pajama sets. They are super comfy and warm. Perfect for the winter season. She also got Mark a mini pool table because, well, Mark loves pool! It is so pitifully small, but Mark seems to enjoy it. We spent the rest of the night playing pool and watching Tim set up the lamp because honestly, I take after mom. I can't build something to save my life. I would much rather write an essay or something like that.

Monday- Monday quite literally consisted of only two things: Raking and Science Fair. I detest science fair projects. I had to finish my entire board. As for raking, I finally finished the yard, leaving a couple huge piles. I did not do an amazingly wondrous job since by Friday it will probably be just as bad as before. I think this fall my main job will be raking, which I don't mind. I worked pretty late on my project but I got it done.

   All in all, it was a great weekend. I hope the week will be the same way.

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